Tuesday, December 15, 2015

"Poltergeist" (2015)

In this remake of the 1982 horror classic, a family moves into the suburbs. However, their new home is haunted by evil forces, and they must come together to rescue their youngest daughter who was captured.

In a way, this film exceeded my expectations...I expected it to be bad, and it was.

While it's not as awful as I thought it would be, it's still quite bad.

Not only does it fail as a remake, but also as a stand alone horror movie. It features cheap scares, bad acting, forgettable characters, and plot points borrowed from other horror movies from this decade ("Insidious" (2011), "The Conjuring" (2013) etc.).

Also, it's so different from the original that it's not even a remake. It's just an average PG-13 supernatural fear fest with the same title. Not to mention that the girl isn't even Carol Anne from the original, but "Maddy," which was quite a stupid move on their part. The only parts that were like the original are the static TV, the clown, and another thing at the end, in which saying it would spoil it.

Almost nothing happens, and a lot of the scares are pointless. The clown did absolutely nothing, and was just an obvious attempt at giving the film a similar feel to the original. There is a tree in one scene, which did something, but was of no significance to the story. It doesn't really get good until about the last 30 minutes or so.

On a positive note, it features nice looking visuals, and a few cool scenes. But those things alone can't promise a good movie. It's better than the "Nightmare on Elm Street" 2010 remake, but that's not saying much.

Overall, this was a pretty mediocre horror film/remake. I can't recommend this movie.

If you're considering watching this, that's your business. But be advised that if you go into it expecting it to be as good or memorable as the original, you're going to be disappointed. In other words, you are probably better off seeking out the 1982 classic instead.

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