Friday, September 11, 2015

"Big Fish" (2003)

A son tries to learn more about his dying father than the stories that he told about his life.

I gave this film a watch on Netflix about a couple years ago out of boredom. I didn't really think that I would like it that much, but I loved it. It instantly became one of my all time favorite movies.

The story is bout a father and son and follows two story arcs. One story arc focuses on the father's life told through the stories that he told his son as a child. The other story arc focuses on the son, now grown up and married, trying to find out the truth behind his father's stories. Ridiculous as it may sound, it's actually quite interesting and thought provoking.

It also has a pretty neat supernatural/fantasy twist going on.

The film is very well acted and it has a great assembled cast. We have Albert Finney as the old man near death telling the stories and Ewan McGregor as the old man's younger self, as well as Billy Crudup as the son. It also features Marion Cotillard, Danny Devito, Helena Bonham Carter, Steve Buschemi and some other people (whom I did not recognize).

I never would have thought that Tim Burton could pull off something like this, but he did a great job directing, and it's better than most of his other stuff. It is very beautifully shot and has some neat designs.

I am not going to spoil anything, but it has a great ending where everything comes together and starts to make sense.

In my opinion, this is Tim Burton's best film.

Overall, Big Fish is a great and unique feel good dram and I would highly recommend it to movie goers.

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